Saturday, March 19, 2011

When will we learn, world's policeman we shouldn't be!

Okay, Now the United Nations, Italy, the French, the English, even some arab countries want to get involved in LIBIA! It's only a matter of time friends, until Uncle Sam will be shouldering some part of this next load!

How long will it take us to learn that other countries and their people have to choose their own way? Perhaps we will look back at the days of the Soviet Union and wistfully say....we miss them...Not that we like their government, but it was one target to hate. When it was gone all the old hatreds came back and this one remembered that his great grandfather was wronged by somebody or other and that had to be avenged ...Well you know the rest. I say: If they want to fight and war with each other, good for them. I grow tired of all this world policeman stuff.
Same goes for the rest of the Middle East, South America, Asia, whatever. It’s time to start thinking about what would happen if we didn’t step into these hornet nest. What indeed? Like the suicidal person threatening to kill him/herself if we don’t do this or that. Say ‘go ahead’ as long as you don’t harm anyone else, do it! How many countries would really be ready to just have at it without The United States or some other sovereign power ‘keeping them from war’ would really go to war?
Maybe a few would try it. Maybe more than a few, but eventually they would have to stop. No, our position should be to act as good allies and react to actions against our allies with the withering force of our overwhelming armed forces to make attacking our allies a prospect too terrible to imagine.
As to the tribal wars like in the Far-East…our military is designed to defeat a nation-state, with defineable borders, infrastructure, cities and capitols, possessions that could be destroyed. War against an idea or tribal groups is indefensible. They have no fixed asset only a fixed idea. An idea is impossible to defeat with a gun. You can only suppress it for a time.
It will always come back to bite you. When you aren’t looking.
We would be better served by taking the position that we will be good reliable allies, protecting our friends and being willing to go any distance to do that. If we did that we would find it a lot easier.

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