Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pine Plains complaints

Pine Plains, New York:
1450 residents spent at least a day in the cold and dark aftermath of the latest snow/ice storm. I read in the Poughkeepsie Journal how people complained that ‘in this day, 2010, there is no excuse for being without power for any length of time….okay, point taken….
Then a genius commentator lambasted the poor cool folks wanting their power back as fools that ‘if they were really serious, would just go right out and buy a generator”
Common sense should let you know fella that not everyone can afford a generator and the necessary installation electrician that can cost +$500 in addition to the minimum $700 to buy a reliable genset….all this for a one or two times per year event.
Common sense tells us ‘not all of us have the same abilities and resources, but we all have the same needs’ Maybe this guy could cut these people a little slack……sign me ‘sitting in my comfy house with my generator cooking along outside’

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