Monday, March 7, 2011

nabobs of negativism

Alright then, Common Sense it is……
Why things are the way they are.
Because they should be….that’s why my friend, they should be. Courage to say the truth is lacking in our ‘elected officials’. I don’t think they give us enough credit….We all know that the thing elected officials want more than anything else is to remain (elected ) officials!
We also know they understand that to lead is dangerous. Leaders must be willing to be wrong to won their mistakes and learn from them. Leadership is a dangerous thing, but in these times it is exactly what we need!
Okay, I understand that there must be a million expert bloggers out there ready to explain what we should be doing in almost any situation. Not me. I don’t pretend to be that smart. But I do see some things from time to time that make ‘Common Sense’ to me.
This is where I will be going. I hope you will read my ramblings as I mean them…Honest opinion…don’t like it, okay but I might not like it as well. One thing is for sure, I won’t lie or posture here…Like Jack Webb would say, “ just the truth “.

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